Weeding out the weeds

The summer months can be the best and most pleasant time to deal with weeds, although they can be an issue year-round.

The best way of dealing with the pests is to prevent them from appearing in the first place.

On pathways, try filling in cracks with cement, or if this isnt possible use a little weedkiller every month or so to keep weeds at bay.

If you find that weeds are attacking from neighbouring gardens, a good bet is to implement a root-proof barrier buried about 30 centimetres beneath the soil to stop pesky weeds spreading under walls or fences.

Mulching is a good way of retaining the moisture in the soil and keeping weeds at bay.

"Best carried out in spring on beds and borders, spread a 5cm to 10cm (2in to 4in) deep layer of garden compost or well-rotted horse manure over exposed soil," the BBC advised on its gardening website.

"On a shrub border, a gravel or chipped bark mulch will last longer than compost or manure."

Finally a weed-proof membrane can be help when laid beneath a mulch such as gravel or bark.

A woven polypropylene membrane will let water through while being easy to cut to allow planting.