Invest in a greenhouse

Autumn is a fantastic time to plan and to buy a greenhouse. It’s a natural lull in the gardening year as the garden slides towards its winter slumber.
If you’ve always wanted a greenhouse then it’s time to focus on your plan, add the greenhouse to your wish list and see whether it could become part of a birthday/Christmas gift or come out of the family budget.

A greenhouse is much more than a place to grow plants, especially when you invest in the best. It quickly becomes the focal point of the whole garden and a haven away from the hustle and bustle of life. But it can also make huge inroads in the costs of your groceries, not just financially but also in terms of your health, plus you will be reducing your carbon foot print, lessening your food miles and keeping fit too.

If you are the only gardener in the family then the greenhouse becomes your own special space where you can raise plants, store a few gardening accessories and site a chair for thinking and reading time.
The sloping glass harnesses the solar rays and warms the inside of the glasshouse so that the interior is always warmer than outside.
For most of the year the greenhouse is fantastic and comfortable space to be, but in high summer it can get especially hot, sometimes too hot even for your glasshouse plants and needs some degree of shading. In midwinter the opposite occurs and even though the unheated greenhouse remains warmer than the ambient temperature outdoors, it can still be well below freezing inside.
However, the greenhouse protects your plants from the wind and the rain and keeps them dry while dormant. It can also be sectioned off so that an inner area can be kept slightly warmer or used to house a cold frame, heated soil cable or even a heated propagator. Even in the cold it is still a haven for the garden away from the harsh winter winds and the chaos without.
Most keen gardeners don’t need to be persuaded to buy a greenhouse, usually it is very high on their wish list and the limiting factors are budget and or space. If you’ve got room for a greenhouse then you are already almost there, you simply need to decide exactly what model to buy and where to site it.
Every greenhouse user and owner would tell you to buy the largest glasshouse you can fit into our garden. Once you’ve got your greenhouse part of the fun is filling it with plants. 
There are just so many more things you can grow when you have a greenhouse and your growing season is extended at both ends.
The second piece of advice a keen gardener would give you is to buy the very best quality glasshouse you can afford. A greenhouse is for life and becomes a vital and integral part of your garden. You want it to perform efficiently, but you also want it to look good, to weather well and to create a new growing space in your garden.
Look very carefully at not just the style of greenhouse but at the craftsmanship and materials used to build it. Choose a reputable company that has a respected name and pedigree and a great after sales service. Look carefully at the optional extras and make sure you choose plenty of ventilation.
Every Gabriel Ash greenhouse has a very unique ventilation system at the apex of every greenhouse. It is the ultimate in timber greenhouses and probably the most coveted timber greenhouse in the world.

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