Gardeners can be busy over Christmas

Gardeners are likely to be wondering if they can spend some of their Christmas holiday time either outdoors or in the greenhouse preparing for spring.

According to the Times, while nothing is absolutely pressing, there are a number of things to be done to give you a head start for the new year.

Those who wish to overhaul their green space by planting a large number of hedges, shrubs or trees should do so now.

The cheapest way to achieve this is by investing in bare-root specimens, rather than established plants that already come in containers.

Many of these roots will come via mail order and should be soaked in water before quickly being planted with compost in a ready-made site, the newspaper advised.

Another tip is to prune wisteria and rose bushes as this will not only protect the plants from wind and cold but ensure they do not take over other specimens space and produce plenty of flowers in spring.

In other news, pupils at a Worcestershire school have founded their own gardening society, called the Dig and Grow Club, the Evesham Journal reported.