Dig the City: The Urban Gardening Festival

Dig the City will take place in central Manchester, and will celebrate all things horticultural. Running from 3-11 August, the festival will be hosted by celebrity guests and will turn the city into a floral wonderland.

The festival will boast show gardens, street art, a fete, a horticultural market and a food market selling fresh produce.

Celebrity guests include Monty Don, Matt James and the recently announced Rachel De Thame, with scheduled talks including gardening in small spaces, container gardening and low maintenance gardening for busy people.

Rachel said;

“I’m thrilled to be appearing at Dig the City this year. I believe knowledge of urban gardening is a necessity in today’s world – so many of us are urbanites but keen to own and develop what little space of green we have. It’s great for the environment and great for our sense of well being.”

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