A colourful garden can keep people interested in the winter
Former presenter of Gardeners’ World Nigel Colborn said the more alluring that people make their gardens, the more likely they will want to be in it.
Mr Colborn, writing in the Daily Mail, suggested planting winter seedlings such as snowdrops, scillas, crocuses and little winter iris can make charming Christmas displays and provide a stop-gap until the spring bulbs like daffodils come into bloom.
“And if you need to re-arrange your garden to fit in everything, don’t despair. This is an excellent time to transplant shrubs and perennials, so an overhaul of your planting scheme might be timely,” he added.
Earlier this month, editor of stopwatchgardener.com Sheila Averbuch, said planting colourful flowers can help brighten people’s moods during dreary winter conditions