Washington school gets new food garden
Charity workers were joined by US secretary of agriculture Tom Vilsack yesterday (June 3rd) as a new Good Food Garden was unveiled in Washington DC.
Share Our Strength is an organisation which aims to end childhood hunger in the States and representatives were in attendance at the ribbon cutting ceremony for the site, which will be maintained by school children.
Mr Vilsack helped pupils from the Seed School to plant cabbage, squash, beans, cardoons, artichokes and melons, among others.
"This Good Food Garden can change the attitudes and habits of Seed School students," explained Share Our Strength founder and executive director Bill Shore.
He added introducing children to horticulture can help boost their awareness of food and nutrition, giving them skills and knowledge for life.
Students were given seed packets and information on how to grow their own.
The Good Food Fun Network and Share Our Strength are encouraging Americans to start their own community gardens to grow healthy produce.