Tropical rainforest discovered in Cornwall

A tropical rainforest has been found on an estate in Cornwall after lying unnoticed for over 100 years.

The rainforest was discovered by Darren Dickey, head gardener at Trebah Gardens.

"I was cutting back bushes when I saw the most amazing jungle scene," he said.

"Ive been head gardener here for 18 years and didnt know a thing about it.

"Its like something out of a childs fiction novel. Youre standing there and you could be in the middle of a Brazilian jungle."

It is thought that the forest may have been planted by Charles Fox who toured the world around the beginning of the 20th century and brought back seeds from his trip.

Cornwalls warmer weather may have contributed to the growth of the rainforest, which includes plants such as tree ferns, chusan and cordyline.

Gardeners will know that tropical plants can actually grow in the UK climate but perform much better under glass in a greenhouse.