There is nothing like home-grown produce

The superiority of home-grown fruit and vegetables over their shop-bought counterparts has been outlined by a sector commentator.

Writing in the online pages of the Telegraph, Alex Mitchell explains that she grew a little tired of preparing salad ingredients – including rocket, mizuna, chives, parsley, lettuce and sorrel – from her vegetable patch on a daily basis.

However, after purchasing some baby leaves from her local greengrocer, she found that the produce smelled "like silage left in a swimming pool" and that even after washing the leaves, they still had a chlorine-style smell.

"A few years ago, I probably wouldnt have noticed that my salad smelled like an old verruca sock. But Ive got used to eating salad within half an hour of picking and yes, you really can taste the difference," she asserts.

The BBC suggests that gardeners can never have enough lettuce for salads in the summer, recommending that they save space in the earth by growing them in length of plastic guttering until room is available.