The £10,000 Urban Jungle

Tim Wilmot, 56, of Bristol has spent over 25 years and more than £10,000 creating an exotic jungle in his back yard.

A software engineer, Mr Wilmot decided to turn the quarter-acre plot into a tropical wonderland after moving into the property with his wife and family in 1989. The jungle is now home to palm trees, ferns, bamboo and banana trees.

Mr Wilmot spend several hours every week in his jungle nurturing the plants, ensuring they survive the cold British weather. During the winter, the father of two builds shelters to protect the plants from cold temperatures, whilst summer time is characterised by an extreme watering regime.

Mr Wilmot said;

“When I first bought the house, the garden was a blank canvas, it was just a lawn with a few old trees, but now it has been transformed and it’s totally exotic.”


Image courtesy of The Telegraph