Take insects into consideration

When purchasing plants for the garden, horticulturalists should choose ones that will provide a plethora of nectar-rich flowers for wildlife to take advantage of, it has been stated.

Carol Klein makes her comments in the Guardian, explains that newly-emerged bumblebees will be encouraged by hellebores and pulmonarias.

Wild flowers such as white lawn daisies and red clover can also be used to make the lawn a valuable food source for garden fauna.

"Choose flowers of various sizes so everyone gets a look-in – many plants have a special relationship with specific insects – especially flat, open flowers, which are easy landing and feeding platforms for bees, hoverflies and butterflies," she explains.

As early summer readies itself to loom on the horizon, Ms Klein suggests that foxgloves and aquilegias will also be beneficial for friendly garden creatures.

Meanwhile, online resource iVillage.co.uk suggests that finding space for a pond or water feature in a garden can help to attract friendly animals such as frogs, hedgehogs and ladybirds.