
Although winter typically means a time for roasts, stews, casseroles and soups, it is also desirable to maintain a good intake of green vegetables. Whilst British weather may seem to mitigate against home-grown varieties, this need not be the case. With a little care and expertise, many varieties can be grown successfully over even the coldest months. Here we focus on winter salad leaves, which are perfectly capable of providing you with an almost continuous supply of green goodness.


Comfrey leaves have exceptional properties and can nourish other plants in a wonderfully organic way. Making a comfrey feed is very easy and it only takes a few minutes of your time to create a natural and nutritious plant feed that can be used regularly.


Spring and summer may be the busiest times of the year for gardeners, but just because autumn is on the horizon doesn’t mean to say your garden should stand still. There are ample jobs that need doing at this time of year, to ensure gardens remain protected and in tip-top condition during the colder months.
