Swap your lawn for a bigger greenhouse

All you perfectionists out there had better relax.  Because The Telegraph has reported that the perfect British lawn is something to be committed to memory.  It’s not likely to happen again.

Yes, the doomsayers have forecast that, due to changing weather patterns, despite the best efforts of the most experienced lawn tenders, the ‘bowling green’ lawn will be nigh on impossible to achieve.

Weather experts have foretold that our summers will be fraught with alternating torrential rain and periods of drought.

So – we’d better get used to rough grass, as that is the likely outcome of such fluctuations, it would seem.

And if the lawn is suffering, then it follows that flowers and veggies aren’t going to find it easy either.

So what’s the solution?  Make the most of your greenhouse.  With controlled irrigation and heat, you can continue to grow the produce you desire.  You just might need a bit more space – in which case, we can recommend some ‘grand designs’ of our own.  Take a look at our greenhouse page to see a huge variety of shapes, sizes and designs.

For the full report on future weather conditions, including how to adapt to the changes, see http://www.telegraph.co.uk/gardening/9775425/Changing-weather-patterns-will-make-the-perfect-British-lawn-a-thing-of-the-past.html

Author: Robert Smith

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