Scottish forests at risk of drought

This month sees Copenhagen, Denmark, host a world climate change summit and it appears it cannot come soon enough for Scottish forests.

According to the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), the Forestry Commission has revealed that climate change is causing some trees to struggle with drought.

With warmer, drier summers, garden and greenhouse owners may enjoy the chance to grow more exotic varieties, but the trees growing in Scotland are struggling for water.

Those on the east coast are especially affected, with as many as one in three forests at risk from drying out and becoming more vulnerable to fungus.

Eastern trees are less likely to be well hydrated than those in the west, which benefit from wet weather brought in from the Atlantic Ocean.

The problem is worse in areas where trees stand in sandy soil – mainly due to the grounds lack of ability to hold water.

In other news, the Dorset Naga – a particularly spicy chilli bred in England – has found its way into the Collins English dictionary, the RHS revealed.