Obamas kitchen garden to extend season

Michelle Obamas kitchen garden at the White House is set to have its growing season extended by implementing some savvy techniques.

The first lady made history earlier this year by breaking ground on the first food-growing project at the Pennsylvania Avenue address since the war-time victory garden.

Now, the Obamas are set to continue getting their fresh fruit and vegetables from their own plot, despite the cold weather setting in, eatdrinkbetter.com has reported.

This is because the plants will be protected by hoop houses – a sort of miniature greenhouse that traps heat and keeps the frost away from vulnerable varieties.

According to the online resource, garden and greenhouse fans across the US can extend their own seasons by following a similar course of action.

It also advised that growers plant rye, or another cover crop, in areas of the garden likely to be dormant over winter as this should help revitalise the soil and prevent erosion.

Michelle Obama, wife of president Barak Obama, has featured heavily in the media since her husbands inauguration, with much of the attention on her fashion choices and kitchen garden.