New breed of grass could cut US fuel emissions
An American horticultural scientist has bred a new type of grass that could cut down on garden maintenance and help protect the environment, according to Science Daily.
Captiva is derived from the common St Augustine lawn grass prevalent throughout much of America.
But whereas St Augustine grows between three and five inches per week, Captiva grows only half as fast.
Captiva creator Russell Nagata explained to the website how his new variety could help the environment.
Cutting the number of times people from his home state of Florida mow their lawn by half would save a massive 30 million gallons of fuel per year.
"If you can eliminate a mowing, you will save fuel and wear and tear on your lawn mower," the University of Florida horticulturalist told the website.
Dr Nagatas turf is also a darker green, which he says will mean people will be less inclined to over-fertilise it.
Eco-conscious gardeners can negate the fuel wastage of others by investing in a manual mower – it may require more work but it saves money and the environment.
Rainwater can also be collected and used to water plants in the greenhouse to save using drinking water from the tap.