Glazing acts as a frame for views

Glazed features can act as frames for stunning views, architect Stuart Bagshaw has asserted.

Mr Bagshaw designed Black Sheep House – the winner of Grand Designs Lives viewers vote for the best home of the year – and has worked on a number of other projects that incorporate glass into their design.

The Times reports that he had a hand in the creation of Blue Reef Cottages in the Outer Hebrides.

He explains that the views around the facilities are enhanced by their windows.

"A view is like a picture and a window acts as a frame which improves the picture," Mr Bagshaw asserts.

Concluding, the article notes that his own home incorporates sash and case windows, some of which have been enlarged to let in as much natural light as possible.

The Grand Designs Live site notes that other features of the Black Sheep House include a turf roof, heated slate flooring and a nine-metre semicircular window.