Glass panels delivered to Abu Dhabis leaning tower

Abu Dhabis leaning tower is currently about to be embellished with huge glass panels, it has been reported.

According to, two large diamond-shaped glazing panels have been delivered to the Capital Gate building in the United Arab Emirates capital city.

They were transported to the building site on a 35 tonne, four metre wide lorry billed as the worlds biggest flat bed truck.

With each glass panel weighing five tonnes each, the vehicle was given a police escort and three road lanes were closed to reduce traffic congestion.

Further trips will be made by the truck as more glazing panels – 728 in total – are due to be shipped to the site in the coming weeks.

On completion, the tower, which has been designed by RMJM, will have an angle of tilt of 18 degrees – which could be enough to make it the worlds most inclined building.

Other buildings designed by RMJM include the planned £250 million campus facility at Newcastle University.