Get winter garden ideas at RHS sites

Winter often sees many gardens looking barren, but growers have been encouraged to visit some of the UKs horticultural sites for inspiration on how to improve their green space during the winter months.

While work can be done in the greenhouse to keep plants looking vibrant, there are a range of winter plants that make interesting features when everything else is in hibernation.

The Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) has a list of recommended gardens which each contain a number of attractive winter specimens.

The organisation explained that gardeners can pick up inspiration from a visit to one of these attractions, many of which are open throughout the year.

Examples of plants to look out for include the Betula utilis var at the Beth Chatto Gardens in Essex.

The polished copper bark of the Prunus serrula is also worth looking out for, as is the vivid orange stems of the Britzensis.

Garden Harlow Carr is a popular choice among horticulture fans and opens its gates until 15:00 GMT during the winter.