Garden and greenhouse fans to help website
Garden and greenhouse enthusiasts are to be given the chance to share their knowledge with others and see their name in print.
Suburban Journals is asking readers to submit their tips for publication in a special feature designed to get Americans growing.
The Roots: Your Guide To Local Eating section is updated each week with new recipes that focus on using fresh, locally-produced ingredients.
It also contains information on upcoming farmers markets, as well as a calendar showing all the latest outdoor classes taking place.
The online resource now hopes to add gardening tips to its repertoire and is asking readers to contribute.
Those who do not have advice to give can ask questions, which other growers will hopefully answer.
Garden and greenhouse fans who contribute information will be entered into a prize draw to win tickets to the movies, although the contest is only open to residents of Warren and St Charles Counties in Missouri.
Meanwhile, the Creston News Advertiser has published tips on how to grow vegetables in an environmentally friendly way.