Garden and greenhouse fans given weed tips

Garden and greenhouse fans have been given some tips on how to treat lawns with weeds pushing through.

According to the Commercial Appeal, it is safe to use a herbicide such as Roundup or Image on lawns such as Bermuda and Zoysia as long as they are dormant.

The weeds should be spot treated only when there is no green showing in the grass, but growers should follow the label instructions carefully to ensure they do it when the temperature is correct.

Gardeners should also apply a pre-emergence herbicide between now and early May to help keep weeds at bay before they appear.

However, this should not be done on newly-seeded lawns and the pre-emergents will only be effective if activated by watering or rainfall within a few days of application.

The newspaper also advised that gardeners can still plant daffodils before spring begins, but suggested that it should not be done if the ground is frozen or wet.

Meanwhile, the News Sentinel has suggested that container gardening is "an excellent way to raise nutritious, fresh food and expand the vegetable garden".