Garden and greenhouse education event to take place in Washington State

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Garden and greenhouse enthusiasts in Washington State may be interested in attending an event taking place later this month featuring a renowned expert.

Clallam County Master Gardeners are holding a two-day conference from October 24th, with Ed Hume as the keynote speaker, Peninsula Daily News reported.

Those wishing to attend both days will be asked to pay $66, while one-day visitors will be charged $38, which includes a lunch.

It is the third annual Fall Gardening Conference and will take place at the Vern Burton Community Centre in Port Angeles.

Designed to cater for both new garden growers and greenhouse gurus, the event will delve into a number of horticultural topics, including how to prepare for the winter and spring seasons.

Those who grow their own food will also be taught how to preserve their produce, with Clallam County Washington State University Master Gardener Program coordinator Muriel Nesbitt distributing tips.

Growing food may have become more popular after first lady Michelle Obama founded a kitchen garden on the south lawn of the White House."ADNFCR-1495-ID-19408533-ADNFCR"


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