19th century conservatory reopens

The Pavilion Gardens conservatory in Buxton has finally reopened 18 months after it was closed following damage to the iron roof.

Thanks to the efforts of local businesses, the council and English Heritage, the 1870 Grade II listed building has been restored, with the work finishing two days ahead of schedule and on budget.

High Peak Mayor Robin Baldry exclaimed his pleasure that the work has finally been completed.

"[It was] well worth the wait" he said.

"I am delighted I can declare that the Pavilion Gardens is once again open for public access and viewing."

The Conservatory was first built as a front for the Paxton Suite a year before the Pavilion Gardens opened in August 1871, but is now to be used as an educational resource for children.

It was designed by landscape gardener Edward Milner and moved to its current location in 1903.