Would you like an elephant in your garden?

Across the country wild animals could soon be appearing in peoples gardens.

Recent sightings include 13 elephants and seven deer in St James Park, London.

But dont fear, the beasts wont be trampling your sunflowers as they are made from recycled steel and sculpted greenery.

Royal Parks Foundations Sara Lom said that the animals have been a big hit in the capitals parks.

"People are going up to them and hugging them," she said.

The life-size herd is the work of US artist Topiary Joe Kyte and is part of a charity drive to raise awareness and funds for animal corridors, protected routes between animal habitats cut off by encroaching human settlement.

The sculptures are on tour across the country and will go on sale, with the proceeds going towards buying land to protect an animal corridor in Kerala, India.

Elephants will cost £9,000, stags £5,500 and baby deer £1,250.

Around 3,000 elephants use the migratory route and the money will make a big difference in protecting it.