Where to locate your Gabriel Ash greenhouse in your garden

As well as selecting a greenhouse that is a suitable size for your garden, you will also need to think about which area of your garden is the best place to put it. Gabriel Ash offers a selection of greenhouse to suit all types of garden, from larger designs for those with plenty of space to smaller lean to designs for those with a smaller garden.

When positioning your greenhouse, you will need to think about which area of your garden will provide plenty of access to sunlight for your plants. If your garden is shaded by trees, then avoid placing your greenhouse in an area where your plants may not receive enough sunlight. Search for an area that provides just enough natural sunlight for your plants to thrive.

If your garden is exposed to lots of sunlight, then you will need to provide your plants with plenty of care during summer. As the weather gets warmer, your greenhouse will become overheated, so it is vital that you get into the routine of watering your plants regularly. You may also wish to consider adding a ventilation system to your greenhouse to keep the atmosphere healthy. Try to find an area within your garden that is not too shaded but not too exposed to the sun. This will enable your plants to receive just the right amount of sun without your greenhouse becoming overheated in summer.

For more convenience, you may wish to consider positioning your greenhouse close to water supplies and other power supplies. This will make it easier for you to get into the routine of watering your plants and enable you to provide them with regular care. Lean to greenhouses offers plenty of convenience, as they are usually attached to a wall. They are the perfect choice for those looking for a greenhouse that is suitable for smaller gardens.

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