Vegetables replace orchids in greenhouse to feed the hungry

A wealthy financier’s orchid collection is making way for organic fruit and vegetables because he believes more needs to be done to feed people.

Kurt Studier of Greenville, USA, who is known for his community charity contributions, is donating his three greenhouses together worth $185,000 that previously housed 3,500 orchids.  They will go to volunteers at the site of non-profit charity, the Generous Garden Project, who will grow the fruit and veg for those in need of food. The new greenhouses take the charity’s collection to a total of five and it is expected that food production will triple.

Food grown by the volunteers is distributed to ministries and food pantries.

Mr Studier previously used the greenhouses to grow flowers and originally grew endangered orchids to protect them from extinction, but then began to sell them.

In keeping with permaculture techniques, the greenhouses will contain an aquaponics system using fish waste to fertilize micro greens such as radishes and corn.

Robin Parker of Gabriel Ash commented: “It was commendable that Mr Studier saved the endangered orchids, but even more so that his greenhouses will feed people in need.  He is an example to us all.”

Author: Robert Smith