The ground has been cleared and the brambles are all gone. At this point the chickens are homeless and are having a great time wreaking havoc in my borders and terrorizing the dogs, even our two cats are scared of them.
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The greenhouse is on its way and now it’s time for the hard work to begin, in clearing and preparing the ground where it will finally stand. Ideally a greenhouse should be positioned with its longest edge running from east to west.
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If we’re lucky September will treat us to an Indian summer, but even if there’s plenty of warm sunshine there’s no escaping the changing seasons; the autumnal chill on dewy, misty mornings and the shortening days. Gardeners know these are the signs to start planning for next year.
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August always catches me out, one minute I am enjoying the summer garden with the late evenings, the next minute there are a multitude of jobs to do and the onset of Autumn is looming.
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It started raining last October, where I live in West Yorkshire, and it didn’t stop for more than a couple of days right through to March. In February, a succession of storms meant torrents of water cascaded off the hillsides and the river burst its banks. It felt like it would never stop.
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