Sustain yourself and others with right food and farming

Sustain is an alliance that campaigns for better food and farming across the UK.  It promotes the enhancement of health and welfare of people and animals through good food and agriculture policies.  Around 100 national public interest organisations are members and individuals can join too.

People and organisations that subscribe to Sustain get the benefits of up-to-date information, networking and the synergy of working with others with the aim of producing, processing and selling foods that are good for health and the environment.  Even if you’re not quite into that level of production, it’s good to know that others are working together for the benefit of the food that we can’t grow ourselves.

The world is changing and is no longer a place where we can exist in isolation, so organisations like Sustain that help the wider community and the network of food production, do contribute to the food on all our plates.  We’re sure Jamie Oliver would be proud.

The former National Food Alliance and the Sustainable Agriculture Food and Environment (SAFE) Alliance were merged to create Sustain, which was formally launched at the Healthy Planet Forum on 17 June 1999.

Part of Sustain’s ethical stance is that its member organisations must not distribute profits to private shareholders.  Their purpose must be to operate for the benefit of the public within the area of food and farming.

Membership is open to national organisations that do not distribute profits to private shareholders so they really are operating in the public interest. The organisations must have an interest in food or farming issues and support the general aims and work of the alliance.

Gabriel Ash’s Robin Parker commented: “Sustain’s work is in harmony with Gabriel Ash’s commitment to sustainable forest management through PEFC certification of the Western Red Cedar wood that we use.  Sustainability and resilience go hand in hand and are of paramount importance all areas of production in today’s world.”

Read more about Sustain at

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