San Jose to open community garden

Garden and greenhouse enthusiasts in San Jose are expected to turn out next month for the opening of a new community site.

The Guadalupe River Park and Gardens is the 19th of its kind in the city and is due to be opened on August 14th.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony will begin at 15:00 local time and the event will continue for four hours.

The community garden is already up and running and has been blooming for several months, according to the Examiner.

Attendees at the official ceremony will be given a tour, cooking demonstrations and gardening tips, while kids will also be catered for, the online resource stated.

Phase one of the project is a one-acre site, while there are reportedly plans to add another acre once funding is achieved.

Meanwhile, UK prime minister Gordon Brown and his wife Sarah have reportedly followed first lady Michelle Obama in growing food in the grounds of their home.