Royal Belgian Greenhouses Open to Public

From this weekend, the Royal Estate in Brussels will throw open its greenhouses doors to the general public.

Located in the Brussels district of Laken, the greenhouses assumed their current form under King Leopold II, when a winter garden with over 30 acres of pavilions was constructed with the help of renowned British botanist John Willis.

Constructed in the art-nouveau, the greenhouses are amongst the largest and most impressive in the world, containing a whole raft of rare, sub-tropical and tropical plants.

Additionally, the workshop of the late Queen Elisabeth, the grandmother of current King, Albert II will be open to visitors.

Despite the great architectural and botanical value of the greenhouses, entrance will cost a small price of €2.50 and with children under the age of 18 permitted entrance for free.

All proceeds will go towards the Queen’s Assistance Fund and the purchase of art for the royal collection.

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