RHS gears up for sunny the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show
With only weeks left until the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show, the Royal Horticultural Society has one eye on the weather.
It announced the Met Office is predicting the UK is "odds on for a barbeque summer" and suggested this could be ideal for the show, which is set to have more grow-your-own and edible urban space exhibits than any other event in the country.
Some of the highlights will include growing food in old household items, such as underwear.
It will have a joint focus of cultivating food and gardening sustainably, with tips on how to recycle old items to make handy greenhouse and yard aids.
Those with the environment on their mind may enjoy the Garden Energy feature, which will show how outdoor spaces have been affected by climate change since the 1950s.
It will also explore the merits of bio fuel, wind turbines and ground source heat pumps.
The show takes place from July 7th to 12th, but horticulture lovers with children in tow may wish to head down on the final two days, when the event will be focused on getting kids interested in greenhouse growing.
Meanwhile, the RHS recently revealed Charles Darwins great-great-granddaughter recently helped with an experiment on talking to plants, which threw up some interesting results.