Organic produce market prospects positive, expert says

Greenhouse enthusiasts may be interested to hear that sales of organic products have stopped falling and the outlook for the sector is currently positive, according to an expert.

Commenting on the latest Organic Market Report from the Soil Association, a spokeswoman for the organisation said several factors have contributed to the decline in sales of this type of product.

These include the steady depletion of resources, instability as a result of climate change and population growth – all of which have meant a reduction in the amount produced in the food and farming industry.

The survey showed sales of organic products fell 5.9 per cent to £1.73 billion in 2010 alone.

However, purchases of some types of organically grown goods are up, suggesting a period of recovery could be round the corner, the representative said.

"Most major organic brands are seeing buoyant growth and organic baby food, textiles and beef have bucked the trend and seen an increase in sales," she explained.