New book for Florida gardeners

Florida garden and greenhouse enthusiasts may be interested in a new horticulture book from Lynette Waither.

Florida Gardening On The Go is published by University Press of Florida and costs $22.95, revealed.

The online resource recommended the book as a great addition to growers libraries and suggested that it could be the ideal publication to read ahead of the spring growing season.

According to the author, the book has all the answers for gardeners with little time, space and expertise.

It contains a number of ideas for green spaces which take little effort and have a beneficial effect.

The website suggested that gardening can be a great way to add colour to the environment, obtain fresh produce and work off weight.

It revealed that one hour of light weeding can burn 300 calories, increase bone strength and work the heart and lungs.

Meanwhile, Carroll County times recently revealed that the Marylands Food Gardening Network last week gave a free presentation on growing food at home.