Mission breaks ground on community garden

The small city of Mission in Kansas City has broken ground on a new community garden, it has been reported.

Located on a vacant part of the Johnson County wastewater treatment facility, the project is aimed at addressing the issues of sustainability and poverty, according to the Kansas City Star.

Food grown at the garden will be donated to local families surviving on low income and any excess will go to food banks.

City administrative intern Josh Rauch told the newspaper it is hoped the scheme will educate locals on the benefits of growing their own produce.

"This project is a great learning experience for people like me who simply go to grocery stores and dont know the process behind where the food came from," he said.

Mr Rauch, who helped organise the new community plots, has managed to get help from local experts and is learning about horticulture as he goes.

The Monterey County Mercury yesterday featured a number of garden professionals commenting on the trend for growing your own food.