Lettuce – not easy but worth it

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With a pack of seeds costing less than an individual supermarket-bought lettuce, gardeners who grow their own could save a small fortune.

With a little effort, most UK gardens can support a vegetable patch that gives a regular supply of fresh food and having a greenhouse can make the job easier still.

According to GardenAction, cultivating a bed of healthy, tasty lettuces can be difficult at first.

"Lettuce – often the beginner gardeners graveyard," it reads.

"Watch the gardening TV programmes read the glossy gardening magazines – it all seems so easy! Sometimes it is, and sometimes it just isnt."

However, with a little research and care, gardeners can save themselves cash and provide their family with a healthy, home-grown addition to meal times.

The seedlings should be sown about a foot apart into fine, warm and moist soil.

They do well in the UKs wet climate but sowing when it is wet should be avoided as this can cause germination issues."ADNFCR-1495-ID-19069680-ADNFCR"


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