Heading off in April is madness, according to one gardening writer

Going away in April is madness, according to one horticulture expert, who has argued that there is too much to do at this time of year in the garden to justify being anywhere else other than at home.

In an article for the Daily Telegraph, Mary Keen remarked that when spring "steps on the accelerator" it is imperative to be in the garden every day getting things organised.

Seedlings in the greenhouse need daily spraying, the celebrated garden designer and lecturer explained, while those in propagators need the lids to be removed as soon as they start to appear.

"Nerines are drying up, crinums and fuchsias coming to life. Dahlias need pinching and the moment for their cuttings is now – before the stems turn hollow," Ms Keen continued.

The expert went on to suggest that a cold snap could necessitate covering outside plants to prevent them being damaged if everything freezes over."ADNFCR-1495-ID-800511871-ADNFCR"