Garden show celebrates 30th anniversary

A garden and greenhouse show in Yorkshire is set to celebrate its 30th anniversary this year and will introduce a number of new award classes to mark the occasion.

The Ripon City Allotment Society has been running its shows since the early 1980s and is always keen to welcome new growers.

According to the Darlington and Stockton Times, six of the 108 categories will be exclusively for kids, while ten will be just for beginners.

Society chairman Roger Satariano told the newspaper that interest in growing fruit and vegetables is at its highest point since the second world war.

"All Ripon’s council-owned allotment sites are fully occupied and there is a substantial waiting list for plots," he said.

Mr Satariano added that there should be lots of tasty produce on display at the event, which takes place on September 4th at Ripon Racecourse.

Doors open at 12:30 BST and entry is free, meaning garden and greenhouse enthusiasts in the area have no excuse for missing out.

In other news, the Watford Observer reported that the Abbot’s House in Abbots Langley has opened its gardens to visitors to help raise cash for charity.