Garden and greenhouse trends go back in time

Garden and greenhouse enthusiasts who like to keep on top of horticultural trends might find it wise to look back in time.

According to the Society of Garden Designers, British growers are reverting back to fashions not seen since the 1970s and ’80s.

The horticultural body noted that Brits are opting for a more traditional look for their green spaces and predicted that this would continue throughout winter.

Spokesman Thomas Hoblyn explained that there has been a strong swing towards the 1970s and ’80s retro trend, with old classics reappearing in UK gardens.

He noted that wallflowers had for years been considered a relic of the 1970s, but are back in fashion and can now be seen in numerous green spaces.

With the recession encouraging people to return to traditional techniques and trends, Mr Hoblyn noted that this is also true for gardening.

"Chrysanthemums used to be considered really tacky, but now they are everywhere this winter," he added.

The comments follow a announcement which showed it had achieved a nine per cent hike in sales year-on-year.