Garden and greenhouse growers can eat in on the cheap

Gardeners who grow their own fruit and vegetables can save cash and still socialise, it has been asserted.

Writing for, Los Angeles budget events specialist Heather Heintz explained horticulture fans can use their garden to create fun evenings.

She said dining in restaurants can be an expensive business, but those looking to save can still have a good time by inviting guests over to pick food from the garden and hosting a barbeque.

Ms Heintz explained even people in apartments can grow food in box gardens, which are "easy, simple and cheap".

"The other great thing to think of is you are being earth-friendly by building a garden and having some local food right at your fingertips," she wrote.

Earlier this year, Michelle Obama hit the headlines after breaking ground on the first kitchen garden at the White House since the Dig for Victory plots of the early 20th century.