Fine Weather Boosts Gardening Business

The recent heatwave has proved to be a big winner for gardening and DIY businesses according to the latest statistics. The fine weather has prompted a boom in consumer spending as people finally manage to get out into the garden after months of freezing weather and false starts.

B&Q in particular have enjoyed strong sales figures for the last quarter. The company has posted an increase in budget barbecue sales of 89% on this time last year. Wooden garden furniture sales rose 56% whilst hosepipe sales rose 82%.

The great British urge to get out into the garden has helped arrest the recent decline in B&Q’s profitability. John Ibbotson of Retail Vision said;

“Could there be a sharper contrast in two consecutive quarters? The heatwave has brought B&Q back from the brink. The fact that sales rose 1627% in just one week says it all.”

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