Over the last few days, thanks to some thick flurries of snow and frosty mornings, there’s something decidedly refreshing and crisp about my garden. Its structure is laid bare, defined and highlighted by the little drifts of snowflakes or tiny icicles that adorn and clothe the greenhouses, raised beds, metal trelliswork and rusted plant supports.
The snow and frost has also sprinkled evergreens and seedheads with white fluffy magic. #itsamarshmallowworld and all rather lovely to look at.
I’m feeling quite content as just before this latest front of cold weather blew in, I managed to get almost all of my late autumn and early winter tasks done and dusted. So inside my greenhouses, the plants that I decided to tuck away for winter are all safe and snug, and I’ve got protective clear corrugated plastic across the top of my long raised dahlia bed. Hopefully this will mean the tubers, also under a thick layer of compost, are out of danger from excessive winter wet, which for me in south west Cheshire can be the biggest issue of this season.
My obsession for evergreens continues. I’ve been making rather naughty impromptu stops at nurseries and garden centres to look for evergreen plant bargains. I’m utterly in love with a very prickly hedgehog-like holly, so much so I bought three. I have also increased the range of dainty leaved ivies that I grow. Add to those some very perky Photinia ‘Little Red Robin’ and some young plants of cream and gold flecked Osmanthus ‘Goshiki’ and I’ve now got quite a little collection going on. They inspired some evergreen hanging baskets and mangers to make the front on the house that bit more welcoming and seasonal.
I also slightly gave in to my christmas-obsessed better half, and we now have a small troup of Christmas gnomes guarding our home too. Tis the season of more is more, and I think it’s safe to say, we’re channelling that wholeheartedly.
So all that’s left for me to say is have a very merry christmas, and to wish you all a colourful and totally flower-powered new year.