Autumn gardening to pay off in spring

Work put in during autumn will pay dividends in the springtime, garden and greenhouse fans have been told.

According to the Echo Press, savvy growers will be mucking in during the fall months in the knowledge that they will soon reap the rewards.

It encouraged readers to clean out any beds that have finished growing produce by removing dead materials to help protect from disease.

While healthy plants should be composted, others should be carefully disposed of to avoid the spread of illness.

Tender bulbs like gladiolas, tuberous begonias and dahlias should also be lifted from the earth and left to dry in a well ventilated area for about a week.

These can then be stored in a cool dry place for later use. The news provider particularly recommends placing the bulbs in an onion bag, paper bag or peat moss.

Weeding is also essential as many pesky plants will go to seed around now, which could cause a nightmare in spring.

In other news, the Victoria Advocate has been looking at the various innovative trick gardeners have for their green spaces.